My Sailor Scouts...

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Dwarf Planets and their Moons:

Including Mythology behind the names

Descriptions for Character Designs


Sailor Ceres by Kirja-Perhonen
Roman goddess of growing plants, the harvest, and motherly love.

Hawaiian goddess of childbirth.

She was the patron goddess of Hawaiʻi and the hula dancers, and takes on the task of bearing the clouds - variously, those of storms and those produced by her sister's volcanos, and lived in a grove of Lehua trees which are sacred to her where she spent her days dancing with the forest spirits.


A sea goddess or a water spirit in the Pele cycle/she is called the chiefess of the Mu and Menehune people when they are summoned to build the watercourse for Kikiaola at Waimea on Kauaʻi

Rapa Nui mythology of Easter Island, was the creator of humanity, the god of fertility and the chief god of the "Tangata manu" or bird-man cult

Greek goddess of strife and discord.

The daemon of "lawlessness"

Inuit goddess of the sea and marine animals, she's also know as the mother or mistress of the sea.

Roman God of the Underworld. (aka Hades) Son of Eris.

A chthonic figure in Etruscan mythology shown in a variety of forms of funerary art, such as in tomb paintings and on sarcophagi. Vanth is a female demon in the Etruscan underworld that is often accompanied either by additional Vanth figures or by another demon, Charon (later referred to as Charu). Both Vanth and Charon are only seen in iconography beginning c. 400 BC, in the middle period of Etruscan art, although some earlier inscriptions mention her name.

Very little information is available, but, what I'm seeing is that he's a Luiseño god, seen as the creator, savior, culture hero or lawgiver. He turned into a version of Christ after the Spanish came to the area and converted the local people.

Weywot, the god of the sky, who was created by Quaoar. Weywot ruled over the Tongva, but he was very cruel, and he was finally killed by his own sons. When the Tongva assembled to decide what to do next, they had a vision of a ghostly being who called himself Quaoar, who said he had come to restore order and to give laws to the people. After he had given instructions as to which groups would have political and spiritual leadership, he began to dance and slowly ascended into heaven. 

A Roman sea goddess and wife of Neptune. She's often seen crowned with seaweed, either enthroned beside Neptune or driving with him in a pearl shell chariot drawn by dolphins, sea-horses or other fabulous creatures of the deep.

One of the Nereids 

Verdic (Ancient Hindu) god of the water and of the celestial ocean, as well as a god of law of the underwater world. A Makara is his mount. In Hindu mythology, Varuna continued to be considered the god of all forms of the water element, particularly the oceans.

Her name may come from the Elvish word for "starlight". It has been noted that her name closely resembles that of Ilmarinen which is a name shared by both an ancient Finnic sky-god and a character in the Kalevala.

king of the Lapiths, the most ancient tribe of Thessaly, and a son of Ares, or Leonteus, or Antion and Perimele, or the notorious evildoer Phlegyas, whose name connotes "fiery". Peirithoös was his son (or stepson, if Zeus were his father, as the sky-god claims to Hera in Iliad. Ixion married Dia, a daughter of Deioneus (or Eioneus) and promised his father-in-law a valuable present. However, he did not pay the bride price, so Deioneus stole some of Ixion's horses in retaliation. Ixion concealed his resentment and invited his father-in-law to a feast at Larissa. When Deioneus arrived, Ixion pushed him into a bed of burning coals and wood. These circumstances are secondary to the fact of Ixion's primordial act of murder; it could be accounted for quite differently: in the Greek Anthology, among a collection of inscriptions from a temple in Cyzicus is an epigrammatic description of Ixion slaying Phorbas and Polymelos, who had slain his mother, Megara, the "great one".

The rain god of the Wayuu people of Venezuela and Colombia


The ferryman of Hades who carries souls of the newly deceased across the rivers Styx and Acheron that divided the world of the living from the world of the dead.

The Goddess of the underworld River Styx, one of the Titan generation of Okeanides. Styx was also the personified Daimon (Spirit) of hatred (stygos). She was a firm ally of Zeus in the Titan Wars, who brought her children Nike (Victory), Zelos (Rivalry), Bia (Force) and Kratos (Strength) to stand alongside the god. Zeus rewarded her by making her streams the agent of the binding oath of the gods.

The River Styx was also a corrosive Arkadian stream, which allegedly flowed forth from the underworld.

Styx was sometimes identified with several other Chthonian goddesses, including Demeter, Erinys the wrathful earth, the oath-protecting Eumenides, and Nyx the darkness of night.


Shapeshifting water spirits who usually appear in human form. The spirit has appeared in the myths and legends of all Germanic peoples in Europe.

In Greek and Roman Mythology, the three headed dog (or hell hound) who guards the gates of the Underworld, to prevent those who'd crossed the River Styx from ever escaping.

Some say the three heads represent the past, present and future while others say they represent birth, youth and old age. Each head is said to only have an appetite for live meat.

Multi-headed serpent in Greek mythology


Moons of the planets


The personification of fear in Greek mythology. He is the offspring of Aphrodite and Ares.

The personification of terror. He was the son of Ares and Aphrodite. He is the twin brother of Phobos.


The first wife of Zeus, whom he swallowed when he discovered that she was pregnant, fearing she might give birth to a son mightier than he. Subsequently, the goddess Athena sprang fully armed from his head. It was also Metis who delivered the remedy that made Cronus disgorge the children he had swallowed.

"She whom none can escape". Properly an epithet of Rhea Cybele in her attribute of the Mother who punishes human injustice, which is a transgression of the natural right order of things. The Greeks and Romans identified her with Nemesis.

The divine goat who suckled Zeus on Crete. Out of gratitude Zeus turned one of the goat's horns into the Cornucopia ("horn of plenty") which was always filled with whatever its possessor wished. 

The daughter of Zeus and the Boeotian nymph Iodame. She is the wife of King Ogyges.

An Argive princess and the daughter of Inachus, an ancient hero or river god of Argos. She also had the misfortune to be subjected to the lust of Zeus. Zeus, in an attempt to avoid the rage and jealousy of Hera, his wife, transformed Io into a handsome white heifer. Hera, who knew Zeus was up to no good, asked for the heifer as a present. Zeus could not refuse. Hera deposited Io in the safe keeping of Argus, the watchman with a hundred eyes. She was eventually rescued by Hermes, though Hera still dogged her by sending a gadfly to sting her wherever she went.

The daughter of Agenor, and was beloved by Zeus. Zeus took the form of a beautiful white bull and encountered Europa at the seashore. By appearing to be very tame, he coaxed her to climb onto his back and then swam off with her across the sea to Crete. In Crete, Europa had three sons by Zeus -- Minos, Sarpedon, and Rhadamanthys. Zeus also gave her three gifts: the bronze man, Talos, to act as her guardian; a dog, Laelaps, which never failed of its quarry; and a javelin which never missed its mark. Europa afterwards married Asterius, the king of Crete.

The young, beautiful boy that became one of Zeus' lovers. One source of the myth says that Zeus fell in love with Ganymede when he spotted him herding his flock on Mount Ida. Zeus then came down in the form of an eagle or sent an eagle to carry Ganymede to Mount Olympus where Ganymede became cupbearer to the gods. According to other accounts, Eos kidnapped Ganymede, to be her lover, at the same time she kidnapped Tithonus. Zeus then robbed Eos of Ganymede, in return granting Eos the wish that Tithonus be immortal. Unthinkingly, Eos forgot to ask that Tithonus remain youthful. Everyday, the faithful Eos watched over Tithonus, until one day she locked him in a room and left him to get old by himself.

A nymph who was associated with the goddess of the hunt, Artemis. Young women who were devoted to the goddess hunted with her regularly, and remained virgins, like Artemis herself. Callisto had upheld these ideals faithfully, and she quickly became Artemis' favorite.

The daughter of Hypseus, second wife of Athamas. When the latter returned to his first wife Ino, Themisto tried to kill Ino's children. To recognize them at night she dressed Ino's children in black clothes and dressed her own in white. Ino, however, switched the clothes so Themisto killed her own children in stead.


Leda by Kirja-Perhonen
A Spartan Queen and was seduced by Zeus while he was in the form of a swan. She gave "birth" to 2 eggs which had Helen (of Troy), Polydeuces, Castor and Clytemnestra, I believe the first 2 are actually Zeus' children while the other 2 were her husband, Tyndareus'. ...don't know, 2 per egg?

A Cyprian nymph (Water) who bore three sons of Zeus', among which was Cronius.

A daughter of Oceanus(The personification of the vast ocean.)and one of Zeus' many lovers.

The daughter of King Orchomenus, and one of Zeus' many lovers. He placed her under the earth, to hide her from Hera, where she gave birth to the giant Tityas (who is therefore called a son of the earth).

One of the Horae, a goddess of the seasons... can't figure out which one though... either Spring or Summer because she was associated with fruits ...the Greeks didn't have Autumn... She was similar to Demeter.

Greek Goddess of Abundance. A 3rd generation Horae

One of the four muses recognized in later Greek tradition. Muse of Comedy.

The name for the mother of the Charites (aka Graces) by Zeus.

In Greek mythology, Helike was one of the nymphs who nurtured Zeus in his infancy on Crete. Her name suggests that she was a "willow-nymph", just as there were oak-tree nymphs and ash-nymphs.

Greek Goddess of Prosperity, one of the Horae.

A famed queen of Thebes. Jocasta had a long line of close relatives. She was the wife of Lauis, mother and later wife of Oedipus, mother of Antigone, Eteocles, Polynices, and Ismene. Unfortunately, Iocaste was carrying Lauis' baby who was destined to kill his father. Hearing this Lauis sent Oedipus up to the mountains. Oedipus somehow managed to survive and came back to where he was born. Eventually, he accidentally killed his father and married his mother. When Jocasta realized this, she hung herself; thus becoming one more victim of the curse that rested upon the family of the Labdacids.

The goddess of judicial punishment and the exactor of vengeance

A daughter of Harpalykos, King of Thrace. She was raised as a hunter

One of the original three Greek Muses (their number was later increased to nine). Mneme is the Muse of Memory. She is the sister of Aoide and Melete.

A daughter of Boeotus. She was married to Orchomenus, son of Zeus and the Danaid Isonoe, but had a son Minyas with Poseidon. Orchomenus became legal father of her son.

The goddess of the inspired frenzy which seized the female devotees of Dionysos in the course of the Bacchic orgy. She was the apotheosed mother of the god himself.

Plato called Ananke the mother of the Moirae or Fates and is the personfication of (unalterable) necessity or the force of destiny. Also mother of Adrasteia (daughter of Jupiter and distributor of rewards and punishments). Goddess of unalterable necessity. She was little worshipped until the advent of the Orphic mystery cult.

The goddess of the plant-nourishing dew. She was a daughter of the sky-god Zeus and moon-goddess Selene.

A Sicilian nymph, a daughter of Uranus and Gaea, or of Briareus. Simonides said that she had acted as arbitrator between Hephaestus and Demeter respecting the possession of Sicily. By Zeus or Hephaestus she became the mother of the Palici.

The goddess of beauty, splendour, glory, magnificence and adornment. One of the Graces, a daughter of Zeus, wife of Hephaestus, the god of Technology, Blacksmiths, Craftsmen, Artisans, Sculptors, Metals, Metallurgy, Fire and Volcanoes.

One of Pleiades, Taygete was loved by Zeus but she prayed for Artemis to help her. Artemis turned her into a doe, but Zeus took advantage of her when she was unconscious and she gave birth to Lacedaemon.

The mother of Solymus by Zeus, a Mountain Nymph

Daughter of Celes, compelled by Venus to fall in love with Jupiter.

She is the Muse of Song, sister of Melete and Mneme.

A Nysaid (Mountain) Nymph who cared for and taught the infant Dionysus. 

A daughter of Aeolus and Enarete. Some sources state that she was the mother of Endymion, king of Elis, by her husband Aethlius, king of Elis or by Zeus. Other sources make her mother, not wife, of Aethlius (again by Zeus), and omit her giving birth to Endymion.

The mother, by Zeus, of the virginal huntress Britomartis, also called Diktynna, whom she bore at Kaino. Carme was the daughter of either Phoenix and Cassiopeia, or of the divine ploughman Euboulos, son of Karmanor.

The daughter of Oceanus and Tethys. She had three husbands, Chrysaor, Neilus and Poseidon. She was one of the three ancestors of the Tyrians, along with Abarbarea and Drosera.

The mother of the Graces by Zeus.

The goddess of rest and relaxation. She was married to Hypnos, the god of sleep.

Is the daughter of Zeus and the harvest-goddess Demeter, and queen of the underworld. (aka Persephone)

An Oreiad or Naiad nymph of Mount Kyllene (Cyllene) in Arkadia, southern Greece. She was the wife of Pelasgos the first Arkadian king who lived in the days before the Great Deluge.

A muse of song

Meaning "wide-shining" she was the daughter of Helios, the Sun, by the eldest of the Oceanids, Perse.

The goddess of plants, specifically making them bloom and bear fruit as they were supposed to.

Greek word with primary senses 'beginning', 'origin' or 'first cause' and 'power', 'sovereignty', 'domination' as extended meanings.

One of the Danaides. She was a lover of Zeus and bore a son by him, Orchomenos (or Chrysen). After her death she was transformed by the god into a spring.

One of the daughters of Asopus and thought to be an eponym of the city Sinope on the Black Sea. She was seized by the god Apollo and carried over to the place where later stood the city honouring her name. Diodorus adds that she bore to Apollo a son named Syrus, supposedly afterwards king of the Syrians, who were named after him.

The 7th of the 12 Horae. She was the Horae of Libations and Offerings. This was basically the hour after lunch.

A daughter of Cadmus, founder of Thebes, Greece, and the goddess Harmonia. She was the wife of Aristaeus and mother of Actaeon and possibly Macris. She was also one of the Bacchae, she and her sisters were driven into a bacchic frenzy by the god Dionysus (her nephew) when Pentheus, the king of Thebes, refused to allow his worship in the city. When Pentheus came to spy on their revels, Agave, the mother of Pentheus and Autonoë's sister, spotted him in a tree. They tore him to pieces.

The mother by Zeus of Thebe and Locrus.


The Greek god of shepherds and flocks, who was especially popular in Arcadia. He is a son of the god Hermes. He was depicted as a satyr with a reed pipe, a shepherd's crook and a branch of pine or crown of pine needles. He had a wrinkled face with a very prominent chin. On his forehead were two horns and his body was hairy. He was a swift runner and climbed rocks with ease. Pan belonged to the retinue of Dionysus.

A son of Hermes and a Sicilian nymph. A shepherd and flautist, he was the inventor of pastoral poetry. A naiad fell in love with him, but he was not faithful to her. In revenge, she either blinded him or turned him to stone. Pan also fell in love with him and taught him to play the pan pipes.

Titan who supported the heavens. Although associated with various places, he became commonly identified with the Atlas Mountains in northwest Africa. Atlas was the son of the Titan Iapetus and the Oceanid Asia or Klyménē

A Titan, the son of Iapetus and Clymene, and brother to Atlas, Epimetheus and Menoetius. He was a champion of mankind, known for his wily intelligence, who stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mortals. Zeus then punished him for his crime by having him bound to a rock while a great eagle ate his liver every day only to have it grow back to be eaten again the next day.

The first woman on earth. Zeus ordered Hephaestus, the god of craftsmanship, to create her and he did, using water and earth. The gods endowed her with many talents; Aphrodite gave her beauty, Apollo music, Hermes persuasion, and so forth. Hence her name: Pandora, "all-gifted". - When Prometheus stole fire from heaven, Zeus took vengeance by presenting Pandora to Epimetheus, Prometheus' brother. With her, Pandora had a jar which she was not to open under any circumstance. Impelled by her natural curiosity, Pandora opened the jar, and all evil contained escaped and spread over the earth. She hastened to close the lid, but the whole contents of the jar had escaped, except for one thing which lay at the bottom, and that was Hope.

The son of Iapetus and Clymene. He foolishly ignored his brother Prometheus' warnings to beware of any gifts from Zeus. He accepted Pandora as his wife, thereby bringing ills and sorrows to the world.

The god of beginnings and transitions, thence also of gates, doors, doorways, endings and time. He is usually a two-faced god since he looks to the future and the past. The Romans dedicated the month of January to Janus.

He was the god of sea storms, and an ally of the Titan gods. The Aegean Sea was named for him. He was sometimes identified with his son Briareus and the monster Typhoeus.

A Giant slain by Hephaistos with a volley of molten iron in the war against the gods.

The Naiad Nymph of the spring, well or fountain of the town of Methone in Pieria. She was the wife of the country's eponymous king, Pieros.

Anthe & Pallene
The daughters of the giant Alcyoneus. After their father's death, they threw themselves into the sea, and were changed into ice-birds

One of the hundred-armed Gigantes. He fought against the Olympians, and Zeus hit him with a bolt of lightning and locked him beneath Mt. Aetna, which shook each time he rolled over to his other side.

The personification of the fertile ocean. She married her brother Oceanus and had over 3000 children by him, they were the springs, lakes, rivers of the world. Tethys was the god-mother of Rhea and raised her during the civil war between the Titans and the Olympians.

A sea nymph, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.

Calypso was a nymph, the daughter of the Titan Atlas. She lived on the island of Ogygia. After the last of Odysseus' men had perished at sea, Odysseus himself was washed ashore on Ogygia, where Calypso became enamored of him, taking him as her lover and promising him immortality if he would stay with her. Odysseus refused her offer, wishing to return home to Ithaca and to his wife, Penelope. But Calypso refused to let him leave, and held him prisoner for seven years. Finally Athena complained of Odysseus' plight to Zeus, and Zeus sent Hermes to Ogygia to order Calypso to set Odysseus free. Calypso complied reluctantly, allowing Odysseus to construct a small boat and set sail from the island.

According to certain traditions, the goddess or Titaness Dione became by Zeus the mother of Aphrodite. Actually, her name is a feminine form of Zeus

 Helen of Troy, who was the granddaughter of Cronus... She's also the daughter of Zeus and Leda.

Helen of Troy's brother. He is also the twin brother of Castor and the son of Zeus and Leda of Sparta, who was a mortal. He and Castor form the constellation Gemini. The twins were born from eggs after Zeus visited Leda as a swan. Since one parent was mortal and the other immortal, Castor became mortal whereas Polydeuces became immortal.

The mother of the gods, daughter of Uranus and Gaia. She is married to her brother Cronus and is the mother of Demeter, Hades, Hera, Hestia, Poseidon and Zeus.

A race of powerful deities, descendants of Gaia and Uranus, that ruled during the legendary Golden Age.

A Titan and a son of Uranus and Gaia. He is married to his sister Theia and has three children - Helios, Selene and Eos. The name Hyperion means "he who goes before the sun" and may have arisen because he was sometimes thought of as the sun.

The son Uranus and Gaia. Iapetus' wife is Clymene, with whom he has four children - Atlas, Menoetius, Prometheus and Epimetheus. He is occasionally called the husband of Asia or Asopis.

An eternal Inuit wanderer. Spirits, giants, cannibals, bears and sea monsters intermingle in Kiviuq's world, creating havoc for him. He walks, or travels by dog sled, kayak, or may be borne by huge fishes. His supernatural powers allow him to overcome all manner of obstacles in his travels across the North.

In Inuit Mythology he is a sort of shape shifter who kidnaps children and hides them away and abandons them. The inuksugaq (or inukshuk) of stone allow these children to find their way back if they can convince the ijiraq to let them go.

One of the original Titans, who were one set of sons and daughters of Uranus and Gaia. She was traditionally associated with the moon.

a jötunn and goddess associated with bowhunting, skiing, winter, and mountains.

Teutates is an ancient Celtic god who was worshipped especially in Gaul. He is the god of war, fertility, and wealth. His name means "the god of the tribe", from the Gallic touta which means "tribe" or "people" . Teutates is also known under the names of Albiorix ("king of the world") and Caturix ("king of the battle"). Human sacrifices were made to appease him. He is the equivalent of the Roman god Mars.

An underworld goddess in both Irish and Welsh mythology, inhabiting either the Irish underworld Mag Mell or the Welsh Annwn, although it is unknown which is the original source.

Continental Celtic and British god. Inscriptions in Gaul describe this deity, connected by the Romans with their god of commerce, Mercury; in England horned gods like Cernunnos have been linked with this obscure figure.

A wolf that chases the horses Árvakr and Alsviðr, that drag the chariot which contains the sun (Sól) through the sky every day, trying to eat her. Sköll has a brother, Hati, who chases Máni, the moon. At Ragnarök, both Sköll and Hati will succeed in their quests.

The goddess of the sea and marine animals such as seals. A creation myth, the story of Siarnaq shows how she came to rule over Adlivun, the Inuit underworld.

The Inuit Moon God.

One of Heimdall's nine mothers. A Billow Maiden. She was the daughter of the sea god Aegir and Ran a goddess of the sea and of storms.

The Giant Hag of Winter Storms who rides a wolf. She was chosen to launch BALDUR's funeral boat, no mean feat as it was the longest and largest of longboats almost ever. She arrived late, snarled at all, and single-handedly shoved the boat off to sea at a furious and undignified pace. THOR was furious with her behavior, but for once drew back from a confrontation.

Giantess and mistress of Thor, with whom she begat Modi and Magni. Before her mistressing began she was one of the nine Wave-Maidens.

A deity depicted as a bull god carrying three cranes alongside its back from Gaulish mythology. He is a deity of the cycle of life, birth, death and re-birth.

He the father of the goddess Sól and the god Mani, they were thrown into the chariots of the sun and moon. He was a giant who married Glaur. 

A giant from Norse mythology and the grandson of Ymir, the primordial giant. Bergelmir and his wife alone among their kind were the only survivors of the enormous deluge of blood from Ymir's wounds when he was killed by Odin and his brothers at the dawn of time. Bergelmir then became the progenitor of a new race of giants.

A son of Loki by Sigyn who was killed to punish Loki for his crimes. The gods turned his brother Váli into a slavering wolf who tore his throat out. His entrails were used to bind Loki to a stone slab for all eternity, or at least until Ragnarok.

A giant, son of Gilling and brother of Baugi. Together, they guard the precious mead of poetry they obtained from the two dwarves, Fjalar and Galar, who had murdered their parents. Suttung was enraged after the murder of his parents. He threatened Fjalar and Galar until they offered him something suitable for compensation. This was the mead of inspiration, which Suttung gave his daughter Gunnlod to guard in a cave.

A wolf that according to Gylfaginning chases the Moon across the night sky, just as the wolf Sköll chases the Sun during the day, until the time of Ragnarök when they will swallow these heavenly bodies, after which Fenrir will break free from his bonds and kill Odin.

A storm giant from Norse mythology, father of Loki. Fárbauti's name and character are thought to have been inspired by the observation of the natural phenomena surrounding the appearance of wildfire.

The king of the jotnar. In one legend, he stole Mjollnir, Thor's hammer, to extort the gods into giving him Freyja as his wife. His kingdom was called Jötunheimr, but according to Hversu Noregr byggdist, it was the Swedish province Värmland, then a part of Norway.

The personification of tranquil seas, the one who soothes storms away.

The mother of the gods Odin, Vili and Vé by way of Borr. She was a frost giantess.

A giant wolf from Norse mythology, father of Hati and Skoll, son of Loki, destined to break its bonds for Ragnarök. 

A leader of the fire giants of Norse mythology. Meaning "the swarthy one" he's an elder jötunn. Surtr is foretold as being a major figure during the events of Ragnarök; carrying his bright sword, he will go to battle against the Astrid, he will do battle with the major god Freyr, and afterward the flames that he brings forth will engulf the Earth.

He's the son of Fornjót, and the personification of wind in Norse mythology.

The ancestor of all the Jotuns or frost giants. 

A fire giant from Norse mythology, sometimes confused with the god Loki. He is son of giant Fornjótr and brother of Ægir (sea giant) and Kári (god of the wind). Logi married fire giantess Glöð and she bore him two beautiful daughters - Eisa and Eimirya.

An ancient giant in Norse mythology and a king of Finland. His children are Ægir (the ruler of the sea), Logi (fire giant) and Kári (god of wind).


The youngest daughter of Lear in William Shakespeare's King Lear. After her elderly father offers her the opportunity to profess her love to him in return for one third of the land in his kingdom, she refuses and is banished for the majority of the play.

A fictional character in the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. She is a young noblewoman of Denmark, the daughter of Polonius, sister of Laertes, and potential wife of Prince Hamlet. As one of the few female characters in the play, she is used as a contrasting plot device to Hamlet's mother, Gertrude.

She is the younger daughter of Baptista Minola and the sister of Kate, the "shrew" of the title in "Taming of the Shrew." The lovely Bianca has several admirers in the play, but Baptista has refused to allow her to marry until his shrewish daughter Kate has found a husband. When Kate marries, Bianca is united with her lover, Lucentio. Theatrically, Bianca is the ingenue in Shrew and the female lead in the play's subplot.

A character who appears in many Medieval and Renaissance retellings of the story of the Trojan War. She is a Trojan woman, the daughter of Calchas a priestly defector to the Greeks. She falls in love with Troilus the youngest son of King Priam, and pledges everlasting love, but when she is sent to the Greeks as part of a hostage exchange, she forms a liaison with the Greek warrior Diomedes.

Shakespeare's Desdemona is a Venetian beauty who enrages and disappoints her father, a Venetian senator, when she elopes with Othello, a man several years her senior. When her husband is deployed to Cyprus in the service of the Republic of Venice, Desdemona accompanies him. There, her husband is manipulated by his ensign Iago into believing she is an adulteress, and, in the last act, she is murdered by her estranged spouse.

She is the daughter of old Capulet, head of the house of Capulet. The story has a long history that precedes Shakespeare himself.

A rich, beautiful, and intelligent heiress, she is bound by the lottery set forth in her father's will, which gives potential suitors the chance to choose between three caskets composed of gold, silver and lead. If they choose the right casket – the casket containing Portia's portrait – they win Portia's hand in marriage. If they choose the wrong casket, they must leave and never seek another woman in marriage. Portia favours Bassanio, but is not allowed to give him any clues to assist in his choice. Later in the play, she disguises herself as a man, then assumes the role of a lawyer's apprentice whereby she saves the life of Bassanio's friend, Antonio, in court.

She is the daughter of the exiled Duke Senior and niece to his usurping brother Duke Frederick. After angering her uncle, she leaves his court for exile in the Forest of Arden. There, she lives disguised as a shepherd named Ganymede with her devoted cousin, Celia disguised as his sister, Aliena and her uncle's fool Touchstone. Eventually, Rosalind is reunited with her father and is married to her faithful lover, Orlando.

The god of desire, affection and erotic love. He is often portrayed as the son of the goddess Venus, with a father rarely mentioned. His Greek counterpart is Eros. Cupid is also known in Latin as Amor.

A vain, upper class woman who is always seen as the center of attention. In Alexander Pope's Rape of the Lock. Her society puts her on a high pedestal, always giving her praise when possible. The Baron steals a curl of Belinda's hair when given the scissors by Belinda's friend, Clarissa. When The Baron cuts the curl from her head, the typically calm, collective Belinda flies into a horrible rage. She asks at once for her hair to be returned to her but when The Baron cannot find the curl, it is said that it traveled up into the stars and is now a constellation for all to admire.

Perdita is born in prison, where her father has sent her mother because he wrongly believes she has been unfaithful to him. Paulina takes the baby to Leontes to try to convince him that it is his daughter, but he refuses to believe it. He thinks instead that she is the result of an affair between Hermione and Polixenes, King of Bohemia. He sends Antigonus to leave the infant Perdita on the seacoast of Bohemia. In a dream, Hermione appears to Antigonus and tells him to name her child Perdita, which means "the lost she" in Latin and , in Italian, "loss". He takes pity on her, but is chased away and eaten by a bear. Luckily, Perdita is rescued by a shepherd who takes her in and raises her with his son.

 In Celtic mythology and English folklore, a Puck is a mischievous sprite, imagined as an evil demon by Christians.

Names change over time, and Mab has also been known by variations such as Mebh and, probably most commonly, Meave. One possibility is a connection with the ancient word for "baby". I sometimes wonder whether Mab is indeed the fairies' midwife or whether there is some more sinister connection with the changeling tradition. The autumn equinox is today often known as Mabon in Queen Mab's honour. However this appears to be a modern neopagan name rather than an traditional one.

The beautiful daughter of the old Duke Prospero. - Cast away with her father whose wife is dead since she was three years old, she has lived an extremely sheltered existence. Though she has received a well-rounded education from her father, she is desperately lacking in social interaction and has not seen another human being besides her father. The fifteen year old does not choose her own husband; instead, Prospero sends Ariel, his spirit servant, to fetch Ferdinand while Miranda is asleep, and arranges things so that the two will come to love one another. Her sexual experience is limited to fighting off the lustful advances of her father's slave, Caliban, who tried to rape her. 

A spirit who appears in William Shakespeare's play The Tempest. Ariel is bound to serve the magician Prospero, who rescued him from the tree in which he was imprisoned by Sycorax, the witch who previously inhabited the island. Prospero greets disobedience with a reminder that he saved Ariel from Sycorax's spell, and with promises to grant Ariel his freedom. Ariel is Prospero's eyes and ears throughout the play, using his magical abilities to cause the tempest in Act One which gives the play its name, and to foil other characters' plots to bring down his master.

The 'dusky melancholy sprite' in Alexander Pope's The Rape of the Lock, and the name suggests the Latin umbra, meaning shadow. 

The Queen of the Fairies in A Midsummer Night's Dream and a very proud creature and as much of a force to contend with as her husband Oberon. The marital quarrel she and Oberon are engaged in over which of them should have the keeping of an Indian changeling boy is the engine that drives the mix ups and confusion of the other characters in the play.

The king of the fairies in medieval and Renaissance literature. He is best known as a character in William Shakespeare's play, A Midsummer Night's Dream, in which he is Consort to Titania, Queen of the Fairies.

... don't know really... if anyone knows anything about Lord Francisco in William Shakespeare's The Tempest, it'd help a lot.

After his island becomes occupied by Prospero and his cohort, Caliban is forced into servitude. While he is referred to as a calvaluna or mooncalf, a freckled monster, he is the only human inhabitant of the island that is otherwise "not honour'd with a human shape". In some traditions he is depicted as a wild man, or a deformed man, or a beast man, or sometimes a mix of fish and man, stemming from the confusion of two of the characters about what he is, found lying on a deserted island. Caliban is the son of the luciferous woman Sycorax by a devil. Banished from Algiers, Sycorax was left on the isle, pregnant with Caliban, and died before Prospero's arrival. Caliban refers to Setebos as his mother's god. Prospero explains his harsh treatment of Caliban by claiming that after initially befriending him, Caliban attempted to rape Miranda. Caliban confirms this gleefully, saying that if he hadn't been stopped he would have peopled the island with a race of Calibans. Prospero then entraps Caliban and torments him. Resentful of Prospero, Caliban takes Stephano, one of the shipwrecked servants, as a god and as his new master. Caliban learns that Stephano is neither a god nor Prospero's equal in the conclusion of the play, however, and Caliban agrees to obey Prospero again.

A boisterous and often drunk butler of King Alonso in William Shakespeare's play, The Tempest. He, Trinculo and Caliban plot against Prospero, the ruler of the island on which the play is set and the former Duke of Milan in Shakespeare's fictional universe. In the play, he wants to take over the island and marry Prospero's daughter, Miranda. Caliban believes Stephano to be a god because he gave him wine to drink which Caliban believes healed him.

The drunken jester Trinculo in William Shakespeare's play The Tempest.

A powerful witch and the mother of Caliban, one of the few native inhabitants of the island on which Prospero, the hero of the play, is stranded. According to the backstory provided by the play, Sycorax, while pregnant with Caliban, was banished from her home in Algiers to the island on which the play takes place. Memories of Sycorax, who dies several years before the main action of the play begins, define several of the relationships in the play. Relying on his filial connection to Sycorax, Caliban claims ownership of the island. Prospero constantly reminds Ariel of Sycorax's cruel treatment in order to maintain the sprite's service.

A waiting-gentlewoman attendant on Hero: Borachio's lover in Much Ado About Nothing. She wears Hero's clothes and is thought to be her mistress. It is not known if she was tricked or was in on the ploy.

The rightful Duke of Milan, who was put to sea on "a rotten carcass of a butt [boat]" to die by his usurping brother, Antonio, twelve years before the play begins. Prospero and Miranda survived, and found exile on a small island. He has learned sorcery, and uses it while on the island to protect Miranda and control the other characters. On the island, he becomes master of the monster Caliban, and Ariel, an elemental who has become enslaved by Prospero after he is freed from his prison inside a tree.

A fictional god worshipped by Sycorax in William Shakespeare's The Tempest.

The son of the King of Naples in William Shakespeare's play The Tempest. Ferdinand is the first to leap overboard during the tempest; and in keeping with Prospero's plan, he lands on the island alone, separated from his father's group. Ariel uses song to convince the youth that his father is dead and that the island is enchanted, as well as to lure him into the presence of Miranda


A type of nymph who presided over fountains, wells, springs, streams, and brooks.

A primordial sea goddess, daughter of Aether and Hemera. With sea god Pontus, she was the mother of the nine Telchines and Halia. Sometimes, she was thought of as the mother of Aphrodite with Uranus or with Zeus.

The daughter of Demeter and Poseidon and sister of Arion. She was the goddess of mysteries of Arcadian cults worshipped under the title Despoina,"the mistress" alongside with her mother Demeter,one of the goddesses of the Eleusinian mysteries. Her real name could not be revealed to anyone except those initiated to her mysteries. This name is consequently unknown. She was later conflated with Kore (Persephone) the queen of the underworld in the Eleusinian mysteries who was probably originally daughter of Demeter and Poseidon rather than of Demeter and Zeus as it appears in ancient literature. The cult of Despoina is very important for the study of ancient mystery religions.


Galatea by Kirja-Perhonen
A name popularly applied to the statue carved of ivory by Pygmalion of Cyprus in Greek mythology. An allusion to Galatea in modern English has become a metaphor for a statue that has come to life. Galatea is also the name of Polyphemus's object of desire in Theocritus's Idylls VI and XI and is linked with Polyphemus again in the myth of Acis and Galatea in Ovid's Metamorphoses. 

A local nymph from Thessaly. She was described by Pausanias as a daughter of Pelasgus. However, Hellanicus states that the sons of Poseidon and Larissa were Achaios, Phthios, and Pelasgus. Strabo calls her a daughter of Piasus, a Pelasgian prince.

An early sea-god, one of several deities whom Homer calls the "Old Man of the Sea". Some who ascribe to him a specific domain call him the god of "elusive sea change," which suggests the constantly changing nature of the sea or the liquid quality of water in general. He was known as either a son of Poseidon in the Olympian theogony, Nereus and Doris, or Oceanus and a Naiad and made the herdsman of Poseidon's seals, the great bull seal at the center of the harem.

A mythological Greek god, the messenger of the big sea. He is the son of Poseidon, god of the sea, and Amphitrite, goddess of the sea, whose herald he is. He is usually represented as a merman, having the upper body of a human and the tail of a fish, "sea-hued", according to Ovid "his shoulders barnacled with sea-shells".

A sea nymph (distinct from the mermaid-like siren), one the fifty daughters of Nereus and Doris, sisters to Nerites. They often accompany Poseidon and can be friendly and helpful to sailors fighting perilous storms.

The Nereid "lady of the brine."

The Nereid of "safe" passage, or the rescue of sailors.

The Nereid "leader of the folk."

The Nereis "goddess of sand."

The Nereid of "islands."

From Sumerian and Babylonian Mythology, Nibiru is the planet of the Annunaki or Nephilim meaning "Those who came from heaven." This planet is also known as Planet X.  
Nibiru Bust by Kirja-Perhonen

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Usako89's avatar
Wow that's quite a long list there.